
Top Posts of 2013

Congratulations! You have made it to the end of 2013. I thought I would go ahead and share the top 5 posts (by number of hits) for the year. It was going to be the Top 10, but since this blog just started halfway through the year, that seemed a bit weird since I'd be listing almost half the posts from the site. So, we'll do the Top 5 this year and maybe next year we'll do a Top 10.

So, here they are in order of greatest to smallest number of hits:

  1. The Laws of Logic
  2. Is the Bible True?
  3. What is the Straw Man Fallacy?
  4. Is Christianity Exclusive?
  5. Should Christians be Anti-Intellectual?
I also would like to give "honorable mention" to What If the Bible Has Errors? as this post has been around for less than a month and yet has performed quite admirably.

Now, as we end 2013, I do hope that your year was blessed. If, however, it was filled with difficulty and trial, please do still look forward to the new year with hope and expectation. Moving into 2014, I do hope that this site will continue to bless you in some way.

If you have topics or questions that have not yet been addressed, please feel free to comment below and I can add new questions and respond to them as I am able. Also, if you would like to guest-post, I am open to doing that as well, though I've never done that before. It seems like a great way to better share information and ideas.

Until then, please have a blessed and prosperous 2014 (in one way or another).

The Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us


I know that this really isn't a question. For some people, it may be questionable, but for the sake of today, I am going to simply assume that it is true rather than address the question. Mainly, this is because of what day it is and what the Church at large comes together to celebrate every year at this time.

Greg Koukl has said, multiple times, that he believes John 1:14 is perhaps the most important verse in the entire Bible. It speaks of a moment in human history when the almighty Creator of the entire universe - the One who made time, space and matter - humbled Himself by taking on a human nature for the express purpose of living a sinless life and dying a violent death in order to restore the broken relationship with His creatures.

What Am I? An Argument for Dualism over Materialism

Many atheists in the world would, almost by definition, have to be considered materialists. A materialist is a person who believes that the physical matter in the universe is all there is. There is nothing that exists which does not exist in the material world. Therefore, a materialist does not believe in the existence of a supernatural God or of a non-material soul.

It is upon this basis that I would like to make a case for the fact that we, as human being, indeed have a non-material aspect to our nature. Call it a spirit, a soul or a "center of consciousness" or whatever. Regardless of the terms you prefer to use, what I want to present here is primarily the conclusion that, whatever we are, we are more than our physical bodies.

Can Christians Watch Rated R Movies?

In many ways, this question is similar to the question about Christians using profanity. The basic premises still apply. The quote used from 1 Corinthians 6 still applies here in the same way that it applied to cursing.

All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable.
1 Corinthians 6:12a

Essentially, the short answer is that, yes, Christians can watch rated R movies. Watching a movie with an R rating is not, necessarily, a sin. That said, there are a number of various nuances that we should probably take a look at with respect to this question.

What If the Bible Has Errors?

Bible TextAt the start, let's be clear. I do not believe the Bible contains errors. However, I have heard enough stories about people who have lost their faith because they "found out" that the Bible has errors or contradictions that I felt it would be good to address this.

While I do not believe that the Bible contains errors or contradictions, let us for the sake of argument grant that it does. The most important question anyone can ask in light of this, before they lost their faith, is: What follows from that?