When it comes to the Word of God, one of the most common
questions that comes up is about whether or not the Bible we have today
is an accurate representation of what was originally written 2,000 years
ago. This challenge tends to be less about whether or not the Bible is
the inspired Word of God (we'll get to that in another post) but whether
or not it was handed down through the centuries without major
alterations and corruptions along the way.
One common analogy people make is to compare the transmission of the events of Jesus' life to the Telephone Game. You remember that game. You sit in a big circle with a couple dozen people. The first person whispers something to the second. The second person whispers the message to the third. This continues until the last person gets the message. Of course, when the last person says the message out loud, it is hilariously different from what the first person said.